
Lamb Chops

Quebec has some of the best lamb I have ever tasted. From the region of Kamouraska, this lamb is plump and might be slightly fatty. However, its fat melts into a rich flavour. Even for the non fat-eaters (like myself), this lamb's fat is quite irresistible. When cooked right, it becomes a foie gras- like delicatessen.

The secret to good lamb (and meat in general) is to not overcook it. Meat cooks really fast and many people fail to know/ remember that. Also, to preserve its natural rich flavour, you want to keep the seasoning to a minimum. Good meat = high heat + fast + minimal seasoning.

Serves 2:
- 8 lamb chops (Kamouraska lamb is really plump; you definitely wouldn't need more than 4 chops a person)
- 2 gloves of garlic, finely chopped
- pinch of sea salt
- 1 tsp of coarsely granulated black pepper
- 1 sprig of rosemary, finely chopped
- 3 sprigs of coriander, finely chopped

1. Preheat oven to a high broil (make sure the heat is coming only from the top and turn it up to the maximum your oven can go to, which is 500 C on most ranges). 
2. In a bowl, add garlic, salt, pepper, rosemary, and coriander. Mix it all up.
3. Wash the lamb chops (always wash your meat and in cold water). Cover them up with the mixture.
4. Place the chops onto a grilling rack and throw it into the oven (when it reaches its appropriate heat of course).
5. Cook for 3 to 4 minutes on each side depending on how you like them cooked and on the thickness of your chops. Sometimes, I cook the chops for only 2 minutes on each side; I like them pink and slightly bloody. Never cook lamb chops for longer than 4 minutes on each side. Actually, I even discourage cooking them for that long.

Fast, easy, and you'll love yourself for it. Just make sure to eat the chops right away because they lose heat pretty quickly. Anything that cooks quickly loses heat quickly. Also, remember to always buy meat from a local butcher shop rather than a grocery store (you'll taste the difference).